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Public Sector Equality Duty and Accessibility Plan

Public Sector Equality Duty 

We aim to be a community where everyone is treated fairly and with respect. We want everyone to reach their potential, and we recognise that for some pupils extra support is needed to help them to achieve and be successful. We believe that everyone in the school is of equal value and should have equal opportunities in school, the community and in life. Many people in our society are discriminated against and treated as if they are worth less than others because of their race, religion or language; because of their gender or sexuality; because of their class or because of a disability. This will not happen in our school.

People are individuals and therefore different. They have different needs and different contributions to make to the life of our school and of the community. The staff and governors for their part strive to give unconditional trust and ask of pupils that they endeavour to be honest and give respect to other people and their property. There may be times when the relationship between staff and a pupil breaks down. In such cases the school will give all the support it can to the pupil concerned and his or her parents even though redress to exclusion may be necessary.

Equal Opportunities is not about treating everybody the same. It is about meeting people's individual needs and appreciating their individual strengths and gifts. We are all different and should all be equally valued. 

We are required to publish equality information as well as equality objectives, which show how we plan to reduce or remove particular inequalities or disadvantages. This information is reviewed and updated annually. Relevant policies that support this equality duty are contained on our policies page on this website and include, but are not limited to, policies such as our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy,  Positive Behaviour Policy and Equality Policy.

Accessibility Plan 

A comprehensive audit of the schools took place in the 2014-2015 academic year and from this an extensive action plan was created. Due to the cost implication of this plan it is expected that implementation will take many years. However we are committed to completing as many actions in as timely a manner as is possible. 

Please follow this link to read our Accessibility Action Plan which was last updated in January 2024. 

Here are some examples of the improvements that have been carried out to date.

  • Reception: Installation of an induction loop, visitor seats have appropriate armrests and colour contrast.
  • Inclusion Centre works: Ramp/step access installed to the front and rear access doors including handrails.
  • Signage has been improved externally across the site.
  • A complete refurbishment of both stairwells: Evacuation chairs have been installed to the top of each stairwell.
  • Disabled access lift installed.
  • New tarmacadam surface installed to the junior school pathway.
  • Website: Implementation of a high contrast button, ability to increase text size.
  • Fire Works: Upgraded fire doors, the majority of hall exits are step free.
  • Toilets: Disabled toilets in both schools, sensor operated taps and cisterns have been installed in refurbished children's toilets.

Works to improve the accessibility of our schools are continually being carried out to provide the children, staff and visitors with the best facilities possible.