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Teaching and Learning Principles

  • Each child has the right to access the very best learning in a safe, secure and stimulating environment.
  • We are responsible for providing the guidance, support and expertise necessary for the best learning to take place. We strive to enable our children to be active learners and to ensure, in partnership with parents, their emotional security.
  • It is vital that staff have a consistent and shared understanding and approach to promoting learning. It is recognised that staff have different styles, strengths, enthusiasms and approaches – this is valuable and to be celebrated and shared.
  • Teamwork underpins our professional roles. Our success depends on how closely we support and energise each other.
  • We are on a learning journey, and have much to learn from parents, children, colleagues and other professionals; we also learn much from our mistakes.
  • Teaching is sometimes difficult, and there are always barriers to overcome when promoting learning. However, we are right to be ambitious for what can be achieved, and optimistic that learning can always be enhanced for all our children.

And above all we seek to engage, motivate and inspire our learners in order to enable them to:

Strive ✝ Aspire ✝ Succeed

So that every child is a reader, writer, communicator, mathematician, scientist and is also active, creative, spiritual, happy and safe.


What these principles might look like in lessons:

All children should know what is expected of them

Child led learning     

Children's outcomes

Expectations of Teachers

How we use our school environment

Teaching and Learning Strategies

We share and celebrate success